
What is the impact of stress?

  • The physiological reaction to stress is known as ‘fight or flight’ and the response it triggers in the body raises adrenaline and cortisol. Although perfectly normal, the long-term activation of the stress-response system is disruptive to almost all of your body’s processes.

    Research shows exposure to job stressors directly influences, and can pose a threat to, the health of both workers and organizations. On-the-job stress can be attributed to many things; shifts in corporate structure, company growth, even large projects and the daily competitiveness within a company. While some workplace stress is normal and even healthy, excessive stress can interfere with an employee’s productivity and impact their physical and emotional health. Sensitivity to stress varies in each person and homeopathy has been shown time and time again to decrease the susceptibility to work-related ailments, and build immunity against many illnesses.

    More information about the physical impact of excessive stress and references are available to download here:

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  • Why is homeopathy relevant to business?

    In the UK, over 11 million working days are lost due to stress-related absence, annually costing the UK 10-12 billion pounds in revenue. A growing number of major UK employers (Tesco, NatWest, Railtrack, BT) offer staff access to complementary therapies. There is a growing body of evidence proving that homeopathic treatment can contribute to reduced staff absences in both the short and long term.

    An organisation thrives when its employees are motivated to give their best. An individual’s best will be determined by his or her overall state of health. As an employer, providing your staff with access to complementary treatment demonstrates your commitment and support toward their intention to wellness. The subsequent benefits of a healthier team can be measured through increased staff efficiency, optimum performance and higher overall productivity. The packages offered by Apex Homeopathy can successfully contribute toward achieving this through reducing health related absences.

    The alternative medicine market is also benefiting from changes in the insurance landscape, with more companies covering complementary and alternative medical care.

    A visit to a homeopath is an opportunity to look at everything that is going on in your life and identify issues that may require attention. For some this could be a recurring physical complaint, for others, for example a high achiever, may feel that they have more to offer but something is blocking the full expression of their creativity.

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Cost benefits

  • The financial loss to an employer from staff sickness is a serious problem. The small investment in engaging the services of a homeopath will be offset by the long-term benefits to the organisation. A reduction in Sick Pay expenditure and recurring Short Term Sickness Absence will justify continued investment and ultimately prove to be good value for money. Your company insurance plan may even cover the program.

    One way you may motivate your staff is to demonstrate that you are both supporting them and empowering them to fulfil their potential. Many people find that conventional medicine cannot help them. This might be because their complaint cannot be clearly diagnosed, the drugs they are prescribed are ineffective with considerable side-effects, or the complaint is viewed as too minor or ‘psychosomatic’ and therefore disregarded by their regular GP.

    As provision for homeopathy is so limited within the National Health Service, those who are keen to try this alternative will most often have to seek out a homeopathic practitioner in the private sector. As an employer you can facilitate an employee’s ‘intention to wellness’ by providing easy access to a professional homeopath, who is guaranteed to give a top quality service.

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